Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 6? I think? Ummmm Legs and Back

Well I continue onto the next day!

I was more excited  to this after the boring Yoga (which still sucks....) but when I heard I had to do some leg work...I got worried cause of the results of my bad knee...but actually, it didn't turn out to bad.

Lots of lunges and pull ups, the thing about pull ups is that I am not getting the full stride of what a pull up should be. I am using bands for them, but i dont feel like I am getting the full effect of them. Maybe I should do an alteration?

It wasn't too bad, the worst feeling is actually in my ass is getting toned! ha ha ha...sure why not....

I would say that my workout was fun, but I have a lot of crap on my mind right now, which really affected my performance....

maybe tonight it will be better...we'll see. I am excited to do Kenpo

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 4-Yoga sucks....

Dude, I think I just suck at this thing.....well at least the Yoga part...

I did the Yoga, but honestly, Yoga is soooo damn boring.....but necessary according to Tony Horton. First of all, it is more than an hour, it is an hour and a half. When I saw that time I was, over an hour of stretching, that's not to bad. Now mind you, I had no idea what Yoga was, what it required, or anything. I am a Yoga NOOB!

Well, it was boring as hell and I pretty much hated every minute of it. It's part of the program though, so I will do it. Worst part is that this yoga mat I have it meant for traction and stabilization....well it doesn't really help when I keep SLIPPING! HOW IS THAT TRACTION?!?! Now I hear about yoga socks?!?! What the hell are those???? Why have a mat for traction when you need socks for more traction on a mat that's meant for traction?!?!?

So yea, I kept falling over, sweating, and yada yada yada.....isn't yoga supposed to be relaxing or something? I was not at all relaxed and for once in my life when it comes to exercise, I wanted to lift weights and feel like I was doing something! Ill continue to do it, but with much bitching and complaining. Oh well....

I skipped a day again, no excuse this time, and it's cause I ate a pile of food full of grease.....aka fried fish and fries....I was just so damn hungry and my eyes and stomach got the best of me....DAMMIT!!! Because of this "Bad Food," my body got tired and I fell asleep...This my friends is what bad food does to you, and here is your proof. See, if I drank my protein shake and had some fruit or white meat chicken...I would have felt energetic and could have taken on the world. It's when you eat crap, like fast food, fried food, etc, is when you body tells you, "OK, you're done, I have to work EXTRA HARD to process this crap, maybe you should rest..." That's exactly what I did, I fell asleep because my body was just so tired, from what?!? I slept in this morning, which means I had plenty of energy to go through the day! Food people! It will destroy you! Eat right and expect results!

So today is Day 5, I will report to you later today. Back to hopefully something more entertaining than stupid Yoga....I never thought I would do a Lotus Position....felt like an idiot, but whatever....

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day Fail Ver. 2

I am not to proud of myself for this but I had to take a break from it....for a day....reason? My knee did not feel right....see when I worked at GameStop, the way that the store was constructed really affected my left knee. Everytime I would walk up steps, it sounded like my bones were rubbing together. It hurt a TON! It never really hurt, it just didn't sound right. After I did Day 3, I had to work another all day shift at both jobs. It started to REALLY hurt, SHARP PAIN! I had to work the Halestorm show and my whole body was not working right. Before I furthered the possible damage to my knee, I decided to skip a day, pop some pills and ice my knee. Today it feels fine, but man, that hurt and I hope it isn't a continuing issue.

The next day....I really don't have an excuse, I just flat out didn't do it.....I could blame this and that, but in the end...I didn't do it....

2 DAYS of NO P90X!!!! DAMN IT!!!!

I am starting to notice a pattern of I will will do it, then take 2 off then do it again. Time to jump out of that pattern and get back into it.

My arms really hurt from Day 3, it is a bummer, but man....feels good!

See you next time.....I must not fail this....

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 3-11 hour shift then I brought it

Day 3

Well I worked all day. Woke up at 8, started work at 10, ended at 9....that is a long day right? I started attempting excuses of why I shouldn't do my P90X, but I ignored them and said...Yea I gotta do it...not like I was lifting bricks and doing road construction all day. I was organizing games and helping customers. Not physically demanding work, so yea....really no excuse there.

Shoulders and Arms I said before, arm workouts are my favorite type of workout. Maybe because I have a love for Schwarzenegger and Stallone movies.

I had to do all types of different lifting with dumbbells and such which was some good stuff...I could see my fat ass arms all jiggling and stuff....kinda gross but eff' it man....that's why I am doin' it. This was one workout that I enjoyed and did a good pretty well at. Then Ab Ripper X showed up.....

Ok, I know Abs are pretty important...but damn....after and hour of arms and body was toast....but I sallied forth...did my best....and there ya go. At least it's not every day...if it was, I think I would be dead.

Recovery Drink and there you go

Only 3 days in and my body is destroyed....hard to walk up steps....

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 1....couple skips....then the dreaded Day 2

Day 1.....

Didn't expect the amount of energy and stamina I don't have! I mean, it was pathetic! But I guess that is why I am doing this.

Tony Horton (my trainer I guess...) has you doing the most insane pushups and pull ups ever! I don't have the pull up bar and nowhere to use it in my basement, so I have the resistance bands. After awhile, my body just gave out. I couldn't do anymore push muscles did all they could. But the best part, I didn't stop. I at least tried each time, even if I did fall flat on my face. Do you best, forget the rest! I was sweating to the extreme and couldn't wait for the water breaks. Just when you think you break, you do right back into it. I did enjoy the arm and back though, I always like arm workouts anyway. After a Recovery Protein, I completed Day 1....with much difficulty.

Day.......ummmm failure.....

I had a 2 day break which really bothered me, but I couldn't help it. I worked at both jobs non stop from the moment I woke up, and I had to fix my car. Every minute was crucial these 2 days. I had to fix my car, go to my Air Staff meeting (which Eric Zane was cracking me up the whole time!) then drive to Detroit to see Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper. Woke up at 8:00am each day....worked till 1:00am that night....RADIO!!!

Day 2.....oh my....god....

Well after a long day at both jobs, about 11 hours....I made up for my time and did DVD 2....I call this DEATH V D.....Plyo.....freakin' squats till you die. Steve and Hot Wings warned me of this workout, and they were not lying. I collapsed at one point because I pushed so hard. I took a lot more breaks and even had to pause at one point. Like Tony said, "This is the MOTHER of P90X." That is no joke....

Results from these 2 days:
Everything arms, my legs, and everything. It feels great, but hurts. Obviously if I stick to it, Ill get better. The journey continues....

I have changed my food intake drastically....eating less fat items and less in general. So far so good

It begins......bring this shit

Well how about another weight loss blog huh? well damn, I am gonna toss my hat into the ring for that.

So I'll begin with my intro...

My name is Mike, lot of people call me Ned (which is half of my last name). I play and collect video games, which the history of video games has always fascinated me. I enjoy listening to heavy metal which would most likely make your ears bleed cause it is so brutal (aka Arch Enemy, Dethklok, Lamb of God, Gojira, etc).

I work at a radio station in Grand Rapids, MI and DJ for 3 different stations....97.9 WGRD, 100.5 WTRV, and 98.7 WFGR. I really enjoy my job there and I look forward to whatever it may bring! Plus I get to bring the metal to the world one blog at a time on\

I also work at Gaming Warehouse in Holland, is were I sort games, talk games, play games, from all generations. Best job ever if you are a gamer.

Personal life....I am engaged to a wonderful woman, I work a lot, and pretty much have no time for anything. Kinda sucks....(except the engagement part, that's cool)

I also went to college at Eastern Michigan University, where I earned my B.A. in Electronic Media. College is blamed for a good portion of what this blog is about. I gained the majority of my weight during my college eat crappy food (A LOT OF IT!!!), drank a TON of beer, ate at the latest times at night. Pizza was pretty much my everything when it came to College food. Screw the Freshman 15...I gained the SENIOR 35!

So WHY make a blog right? Well I have been upset with my weight for some time. Many people would say, "Oh Ned, you're not fat".....yadda yadda yadda....well thanks for being nice, but I did have some good weight on me. The lady (aka Fiance', she will be referred to as lady in this blog) lost weight recently, around 20 pounds! I mean damn, that's dedication, determination, and discipline. Yea.....I don't have any of that...So after many failed attempts, pointless excuses, and whatever....I started researching the ever so popular P90X workout system. I had seen co-workers (Producer Steve, Free Beer, Eric Zane especially) have a good amount of success in this program. It interested me from that point, but I told myself....yea whatever...I don't have an hour a day, that was about a year ago now.

After a year had passed, I kept hearing about a friend starting it, and never going through with it, watching infomercials, then I saw an old friend's picture and how many results he had from it and I just said, "Holy crap man....that's awesome." So after so much of my own bull crap, I decided to take the P90X Challenge, but I had to make it my own, cause I defiantly am not a health nut or muscle head.

I ordered it from an eBay auction, with all the proper guides, and even a resistance band. Came out to $100. Not to bad...but then I found out I needed more to get the full effect of this thing. Which is where I spent even more money....which is fine. $60 jug of Protein Recovery from GNC, $35 in more resistance bands, and $19 for 2 15-lb free weights. So overall about $200 in stuff for this thing, should just bought it off of their website, I ended up only saving $40 from piecing it together....oh well....

My workout space is down in my basement in my "workout area," which are fully cement floors....ouch.....not easy on the knees...

Reasons Why To Get In Shape:
Personal Well Being
For Lady
Look good for wedding
Fit into my favorite shirts (I have like a billion shirts, most of which I can't fit comfortably in anymore)
Not to be the fattest DJ on WGRD
Fit into my old pants thus my wardrobe will increase by 80%
Save money on fast food....(big problem....)

Reasons Not To Get In Shape:
......................yea I thought so................

So here is my journey of P90X, I hope I will do this. I am not gonna say, "Yup, I will complete the whole thing!" That is an unrealistic prediction....I have said I WILL do this and I WILL do that with failed results each instead I am going to say, Ill do my best.

Each day, I will post my experience. Whether I did good, did bad, didn't do it at all, etc. On that note, here is my before picture, which honestly, is quite frightening. If I do this though and get the results I want, I hope to inspire you to do it. Like Steve....

(by the way, I am one hairy get over

I'd do me.....ya know? July 18