Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm Back! Sorta...

Failure upon failure........this P90X thing is not only tough on they body, but tough to keep up with.

I joined a group by the name of Flat Stomach February. Ran by a dude I went to Middle/High school with named Tom Shuck. Tom was (as I remember him) a pretty heavy set dude. Always joking about his weight, but then I didn't see him for a few years. Randomly one day, he showed up and I couldn't believe it was him. The SHUCK got into shape! Something I have been trying to do here for over 6 months!

This is what I needed, a supportive group to help me through and the push to get through it. I don't necessarily need someone by my side, but it helps to know that someone who is a Beach Body trainer can help me with any questions I have. Plus it inspired me. Like I said, the Shuck was a heavy set man. Then he got serious, cut the bull, and got in shape. I want to do that!

As for right now, I have been counting calories, and doing P90X regularly. Way better than before, I have even made it to the workouts I have not before. Remember my complaints about Yoga? I never realized how much you sweat during it. Sure, it's long and boring...but imperitive.


Everything previous in this blog was typed a few weeks is the current status of that.

I have officially lost 10 pounds! But I fell off the bandwagon again, why? Work...been working a lot lately and have had a really hard time getting back on it again. I especially don't want to gain those 10 pounds back again.

Lot's of crap has been happening for the past few weeks. Had to put my cat down, work has been amped to 3000, and my days off have been reserved for running errends....time is not something I have again. Plus to top it off, I seem to be getting sick...always fun.

I plan to get back on, I will get back on....If I did it once...I can do it again \m/

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thoughts running through my head

What could I call it...Regret, Failure, Disappointment? How about we just toss in a lot of each word into how I feel about this. I did however finally do what I didn't expect myself to do, I went to other people who completed the program for just a little guidance. Here are my results...

Eric Zane: "Not sure what to tell you. Make your mind up, and just do it. The alternative is be fat."

"The biggest thing to me was to prove to myself that I could do it. I hated it badly at first, but by the end of the first month it was habit. I am sure its different for everybody. Good luck!
I know you can do it. Prove it to yourself."

"Two phrases from P90X that I always tried to remember while doing it (And in everyday life as well) were 'Do you your best and forget the rest' and 'Turn off your mind and just show up.' You just have to keep doing it. Get past that first month and it just gets easier from there. Like Eric said, the alternative is to not do it and be fat. The program obviously works from my own experience, the secret to making it happen is by just doing it. Keep it up dude! Arnold Style!"

I also went to my lady for guidance, she said to look at your previous postings. Look at WHY you want to do this, maybe you forgot along the way.

I thought this was a good idea, because I really didn't focus on my goals during my first endeavor with P90X. Honestly, I forgot about my goals of WHY I want to do I went back to an old post and here is my list...

Reasons Why To Get In Shape:
Personal Well Being
For Lady
Look good for wedding
Fit into my favorite shirts (I have like a billion shirts, most of which I can't fit comfortably in anymore)
Not to be the fattest DJ on WGRD
Fit into my old pants thus my wardrobe will increase by 80%
Save money on fast food....(big problem....)

Reasons Not To Get In Shape:
......................yea I thought so................

My old list got me thinking....and that is what I need to do.......EFFIN' THINK! If my mind isn't in the game, then how can I succeed?!?!? Every day I didn't do it, I came up with a reason WHY I can't do it today...and then the I fell off and never got back on it.

My old post, I wrote this...

So here is my journey of P90X, I hope I will do this. I am not gonna say, "Yup, I will complete the whole thing!" That is an unrealistic prediction....I have said I WILL do this and I WILL do that with failed results each instead I am going to say, Ill do my best.

A couple days ago, I found a good buddy online named Tom Shuck. Tom was always a cool dude, but even I remember him back in middle to high school, he was always a big dude. He even joked about his weight too! We would all laugh, and he even beat my friend Mike up in the bathroom for stealing his fries! Ha ha ha! Anyway, Tom now? A BEACHBODY TRAINER!

Caught me completely off guard, which even proved to me more....if THE SHUCK can do his best and forget the rest, so can my lazy ass....I am really happy for THE SHUCK, he looks great (in a non gay way).

Just the feel a personal accomplishment these guys have felt, I want that. I want to feel good about myself!

So let's get back into the game shall we?

Monday, December 10, 2012


I don't know what to say....I let my brain get to me. I lost control...I can't get back up on the bandwagon. All I do is find excuses for everything to not do my P90X workout....WHY?!??!?!

I want to do it, I really do....but apparently I don't, because if I did, I would have done it.

Everytime I complete an hour of P90X, I feel great! The pain feels good because I know what I am doing is right for me. So why do I keep denying what is good for me? Why does pizza look so good? Why do I keep getting take out food? Why do I keep making bad choices?

I need to refer to these people...hopefully they can speak some words, but ultimatly...and is up to me to do this. Actions will always speak louder than words.

Katie Seif (my love, encouragement, and support)
Gregg Daniels (P90X graduate and support)
Eric Zane (P90X super graduate)
Stephen Gryzbowski (the definition of P90X)


Friday, October 26, 2012

It starts....

At the time of this posting, I have done 2 days of P90X....

I am once again...a wreck....

I love doing arms and back stuff, but man, when you get to day 2 on Plyometrics...suffering will occur.

Since I just want to post an update, this is what it will be for now. Prepare for glory!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Empire Strikes Back!

Officially, I have returned to battle the P90X world!

Next week that is, cause I still have to finish up this week, but I start soon! Pretty exciting...I do have a concern though...

My knee just doesn't seem right...It hurts more often than it used to, so I am not sure how that is going to affect things. Either way, I am excited to reboot myself with P90X again! I have a lot of catching up to do!

The blog will begin again!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Coming to an end

Now don't let the the title fool you! I recently got the email from Boss No. 4? I think? I don't know whatever...something is occurring at the station. This is a good and bad thing. Bad thing is that it was a good amount of hours, and money is pretty much a NEED in my life right now, especially with my wedding coming up, and just overall paying bills and such. I tell ya man, Every paycheck is pretty much gone. Between both jobs, I rake in some good dough. But, it is all GONE due to gas, bills, and student loan debt. It just wrecks me man! But I refuse to go "The Eric Zane Way."

Zane inspires me not to defer payments on my loans, due to it biting you in the ass later in life. I just want to knock my loan debt out of the park so I don't have it hanging over my head :) So far, never missed a payment, and am always on time with that stuff. Plus the engagement ring is paid off, so now I can save for the wedding!

The good side of this? I can work on P90X again! I have been waiting to jump back on this bandwagon for over a month! I honestly have missed doing P90X! Which is a strange feeling. Never been excited to workout. Maybe it's because of the amount of effort I put into that first week. I could feel it working! Which was a good pain, and I loved it. I could barely walk after that first week. Then the "Call of Radio Duty" came up and I had to break away.

I can really say that when that thing ends cause I can't publicly say what it is, but when that ends. I am sure my 79 hour weeks will too, giving me the time to rock some P90X again!

So, this blog will roll again soon, and I look forward to my postings! I hope you do too.

On the other note, remember that eating blog I was gonna post about? Talk about failure there. Problem was is the self control I lack. That's something that should be worked on for sure....P90X is not all about just working out. It's also controlling how you eat.

Last night, I had an overserving of Taco Bell soft taco's......they taste good sure. But today? I feel like a train wreck. I have a headache, my stomach is achy, and I feel overall sluggish....this my friends....are the results of fast food. Do yourself a favor, and maybe bring your food with you. You save money, save time, and ever better....SAVE YOUR LIFE! So why did I eat it? Honestly, I have no excuse....but to keep the determination of.......yea.....don't eat that crap. But what do you do when you need to eat something quickly? Well, most of the time, you are sitting in a drive thru anyway for the amount of time you could grab a sandwich, or bring a salad from home! Better choices = Better Days.

End note, I will be seeing you soon P90X!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day -1.....Thoughts going through the brain

Well it has been quite some time since I wrote in this, and my thought of giving up came true. Although pretty much everyday, I think about doing P90X....I hate the fact that I am not doing it. Since I wanted it to work out so bad! I still want it to work out, and it will happen. I won't not let it happen, I want to succeed. But two things have occurred since my hiatus of P90X...

1.You never know who reads your blog, and it just so happens the Gregg "Free Beer" Daniels (Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show) reads my blog here. I had no idea this was happening, but it's pretty cool to know that! This man here, has succeeded in the program and it was inspiring to know that he really wants me to go through with it. It's helpful to know that a man that has gone through the program knows of what I am trying to accomplish is in the next studio. I want to as well, thus I have really re-thought out my hiatus here with P90X....(this is a good thing)

2. The Core of the Issue...(here comes more, and it kinda mixes with 1)

Food intake....damn man, I sure love food. Especially bad food....Pizza, burgers, cake, beer, fries, etc. WHO DOESN'T RIGHT?!?! After a lot of thinking, this is a core issue.

Many people have lost tons of weight by PORTION control and eating right.

Key Word....PORTION!!!

We people eat so damn much....such as buffet's, going for seconds, etc....why do we eat so much? Taste is the issue here my friends. We eat cause it feels good. What do we do when something feels good? We want MORE! Food is a prime example.

I may not have the energy due to my hectic work schedule, but that does not mean that I should still eat like crap. Like I mentioned earlier, here is where 1 mixes with 2. I was pretty hungry as I only eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes in the morning before I have to listen to the Hollywood gossip of Kid Kraddick (shoot me...but hey, it's radio!) Dealing with my hunger, I walked down to Elliots and grabbed a microwave chicken sandwich (basically a thing full of salt and death).  I warmed it up in the microwave, and Free Beer jokingly creeped behind me and said, "Tony Horton would be very disappointed." We shared a laugh know?

He was right

During my week of P90X, I really watched my food intake, did meal replacements with a protein shake, and I felt great! So what's the excuse for eating bad? Well, don't have one. Just because P90X is on hiatus, doesn't mean my health should be. From this point forward, I am going to track how I eat and post it here. Since that is kinda boring, I will also track how I feel and what I do to control my fatty urges, so maybe you can be inspired. Just because there is cake, doesn't mean you eat the whole thing. Maybe a little slice is all you need. Your eyes sometimes can be bigger than your stomach dude!

Don't think I am giving up on P90X....once life levels out to some sort of non 80 hour week schedule, I will jump back on the band wagon.
