Monday, March 18, 2013

I'm Back! Sorta...

Failure upon failure........this P90X thing is not only tough on they body, but tough to keep up with.

I joined a group by the name of Flat Stomach February. Ran by a dude I went to Middle/High school with named Tom Shuck. Tom was (as I remember him) a pretty heavy set dude. Always joking about his weight, but then I didn't see him for a few years. Randomly one day, he showed up and I couldn't believe it was him. The SHUCK got into shape! Something I have been trying to do here for over 6 months!

This is what I needed, a supportive group to help me through and the push to get through it. I don't necessarily need someone by my side, but it helps to know that someone who is a Beach Body trainer can help me with any questions I have. Plus it inspired me. Like I said, the Shuck was a heavy set man. Then he got serious, cut the bull, and got in shape. I want to do that!

As for right now, I have been counting calories, and doing P90X regularly. Way better than before, I have even made it to the workouts I have not before. Remember my complaints about Yoga? I never realized how much you sweat during it. Sure, it's long and boring...but imperitive.


Everything previous in this blog was typed a few weeks is the current status of that.

I have officially lost 10 pounds! But I fell off the bandwagon again, why? Work...been working a lot lately and have had a really hard time getting back on it again. I especially don't want to gain those 10 pounds back again.

Lot's of crap has been happening for the past few weeks. Had to put my cat down, work has been amped to 3000, and my days off have been reserved for running errends....time is not something I have again. Plus to top it off, I seem to be getting sick...always fun.

I plan to get back on, I will get back on....If I did it once...I can do it again \m/

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