Saturday, August 18, 2012

Admitting failure....but not quitting....

Well it has been awhile since I have updated this fine blog isn't it?

I wish I could say that the P90X road is working and getting better, but honestly....I fell off the band wagon and have yet to really jump back on it again. It has been a couple weeks now and I have not performed my duties of P90X

Why you ask?

Work....and that is it.....

I have no time....

Not only do I work a good 40 hours a week at Gaming Warehouse, but I am now clocking in an extra 30+ hours at the station doing morning show board opping for Channel 95.7. This thing requires me to awaken each morning on Monday thru Wednesday at 4:30am and board op the show till 10:00am. After that, I progress to doing Production work (editing together spots and such), which then brings me to about 12:30-1:00 pm. After that, I go back home sometimes to sleep for about an hour and then back to work I go at Gaming Warehouse from usually 4 to 10:00pm. So how do you think I feel after a day like that 3 days in a row? PRETTY DAMN TIRED! So 3 days only right? well.....log in 11 hour days each at Gaming Warehouse to catch up my hours.

So time? yea....none.

To make things worse, my diet has fallen off the deep end. This I don't have a excuse for, but man...I sure do love pizza.

I completed one week of P90X to date....and you know what? I liked it a lot! I really did! It was exciting, fun, and it felt like I was actually making progress! It felt great! But due to my hectic work schedule...I find no time to better myself (working out wise....)

This is a huge disappointment to me and I hate it. I feel like I can take solace in the fact that I have a decent excuse for the lack of working out, but I don't like the fact that I have to sacrifice this because I have to work some sort of insane's depressing.

If you think I am quitting, ha....yea right. When something finally levels off in my work life, I will get back to this!

I am not gonna say goodbye, cause that means I quit, more like a....ON THE NEXT EPISODE of P90X GAMER EDITION!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well so much for P90X for the past few days...I went on vacation and camping. Well, with don't really have a DVD player so P90X was not able to be done during this time. I instead did do some swimming and what not. Tried to stay as active as possible. When it comes to camping though, one thing that is hard to control is eating....I ate a lot of junk food this past camping trip.

Am I proud of what does this mean for my P90X journey?

To forge on and do my best, although I fell off the bandwagon pretty hardcore. Once my REALLY bad sunburn heals to where it doesn't hurt so damn much, I will restart my P90X where I left off.

If I stop completely, I will fail, and I refuse to fail. So, I must heal my wounds and start again, cause failure is not an option.

Bring it on!