Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day -1.....Thoughts going through the brain

Well it has been quite some time since I wrote in this, and my thought of giving up came true. Although pretty much everyday, I think about doing P90X....I hate the fact that I am not doing it. Since I wanted it to work out so bad! I still want it to work out, and it will happen. I won't not let it happen, I want to succeed. But two things have occurred since my hiatus of P90X...

1.You never know who reads your blog, and it just so happens the Gregg "Free Beer" Daniels (Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show) reads my blog here. I had no idea this was happening, but it's pretty cool to know that! This man here, has succeeded in the program and it was inspiring to know that he really wants me to go through with it. It's helpful to know that a man that has gone through the program knows of what I am trying to accomplish is in the next studio. I want to as well, thus I have really re-thought out my hiatus here with P90X....(this is a good thing)

2. The Core of the Issue...(here comes more, and it kinda mixes with 1)

Food intake....damn man, I sure love food. Especially bad food....Pizza, burgers, cake, beer, fries, etc. WHO DOESN'T RIGHT?!?! After a lot of thinking, this is a core issue.

Many people have lost tons of weight by PORTION control and eating right.

Key Word....PORTION!!!

We people eat so damn much....such as buffet's, going for seconds, etc....why do we eat so much? Taste is the issue here my friends. We eat cause it feels good. What do we do when something feels good? We want MORE! Food is a prime example.

I may not have the energy due to my hectic work schedule, but that does not mean that I should still eat like crap. Like I mentioned earlier, here is where 1 mixes with 2. I was pretty hungry as I only eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes in the morning before I have to listen to the Hollywood gossip of Kid Kraddick (shoot me...but hey, it's radio!) Dealing with my hunger, I walked down to Elliots and grabbed a microwave chicken sandwich (basically a thing full of salt and death).  I warmed it up in the microwave, and Free Beer jokingly creeped behind me and said, "Tony Horton would be very disappointed." We shared a laugh and....you know?

He was right

During my week of P90X, I really watched my food intake, did meal replacements with a protein shake, and I felt great! So what's the excuse for eating bad? Well, don't have one. Just because P90X is on hiatus, doesn't mean my health should be. From this point forward, I am going to track how I eat and post it here. Since that is kinda boring, I will also track how I feel and what I do to control my fatty urges, so maybe you can be inspired. Just because there is cake, doesn't mean you eat the whole thing. Maybe a little slice is all you need. Your eyes sometimes can be bigger than your stomach dude!

Don't think I am giving up on P90X....once life levels out to some sort of non 80 hour week schedule, I will jump back on the band wagon.


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