Monday, December 10, 2012


I don't know what to say....I let my brain get to me. I lost control...I can't get back up on the bandwagon. All I do is find excuses for everything to not do my P90X workout....WHY?!??!?!

I want to do it, I really do....but apparently I don't, because if I did, I would have done it.

Everytime I complete an hour of P90X, I feel great! The pain feels good because I know what I am doing is right for me. So why do I keep denying what is good for me? Why does pizza look so good? Why do I keep getting take out food? Why do I keep making bad choices?

I need to refer to these people...hopefully they can speak some words, but ultimatly...and is up to me to do this. Actions will always speak louder than words.

Katie Seif (my love, encouragement, and support)
Gregg Daniels (P90X graduate and support)
Eric Zane (P90X super graduate)
Stephen Gryzbowski (the definition of P90X)


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